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One of the biggest surprises I had after joining the corporate world was learning how creative

it was possible to be in a firm that appeared to be a bunch of suits. As I find myself to be someone

who enjoys breaking stereotypes, why not make that part of my job?

I made it my personal and professional mission to break down as many barriers as I could to this image,

and spent my creative energy showing the human side of the companies and NGOs I helped. I started to make

a name for myself by producing video campaigns, developing content, and project management.

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Don't tell anyone but we all stepped away from the booth for a moment...

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I helped to coordinate the sponsorship and activities for a local TEDx event. The biggest challenge
I had to overcome was that the company I was representing would not sign a sponsorship contract
with an individual, so I used my ingenuity and connections to help get the organizers incorporated
with a very quick turnaround so the legal and financial deadlines were met without issue.

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The best days at work are when I can live out my nerdy dreams.

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In one of the first events I attended representing another company, I noticed immediately that the value

for the sponsorship money was not being fully utilized. Needless to say, our presence was made

at the next event, which was a young and lively 24-hour hackathon, where I proposed the theme of

“relax and wake up.” As the event participants would be staying up coding all night, I wanted

them to have a space where they could take a break and then get re-energized to continue their project.

I was also highly involved in one of the company’s highest priority projects concerning the FCC.

Although for a corporate purpose, I intensively acquired knowledge on governmental advocacy and the various

stakeholders in policy making and lobbying campaigns. Combining these new insights with my seven years'

experience in communications, I helped push the initiative forward with media packages,

deliverables, and coordination with those who have a vested interest.

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You have to wrangle up a bunch of busy people for your Twitter feed!

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I was lucky to attend some of Europe’s biggest tech events for inspiration, such as VivaTech, ICT Spring,
and the Fifteen Seconds Festival. Here I got grand ideas to implement at home
and expanded my network to connect with vendors that could be useful at a later time.

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Inspiration by means of all the senses.

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